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Игорь Александрович Приходько Наталья Викторовна Степанова


Compared to other grain crops, rice is more demanding on heat and moisture. This determines an increase in the requirements for the technology of its impact and land reclamation. The efficiency of production on a rice orphaning system (Ros) depends on many factors, among which the irrigation regime is important. The main task of the agricultural industry is the ability to evaluate the management decisions taken to obtain the optimal complex of measures to improve existing technologies. To justify management solutions, modern information technologies should be applied. The authors consider the characteristics of operating costs from a probabilistic point of view and offer two mathematical models. In the first model, the cost of costs is a continuous function, in the second model - stepped. Expressions of the average value of the state of the state and its dispersion (the first model) are given and the main characteristic of the second model is calculated - the distribution of phase number, in which a satisfactory state will be achieved, which will quantify managerial decisions to obtain high rice crops and ensure a qualitative state of land. The use of the proposed mathematical models will ensure that the stochastic nature of the influence of natural-climatic factors will provide a quantitative justification of management decisions and business activities.

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Agricultural machinery and equipment


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