Main Article Content
The article considers the urgent challenge of modern land relations – transfer into use of unused agricultural lands, area of which makes over 50 million ha, including 31.8 billion ha of agricultural lands, 19.4 million ha of arable lands as estimated by now according to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. The research of the problem as for non-use of lands revealed three groups of reasons: economical, natural (ecological), and social. The economic reasons include generally unsatisfactory financial and economical conditions of the agricultural producers, natural reasons imply low productivity of lands due to unfavorable water regime, negative influences, natural and anthropogenic degradation processes; social reasons cover migration of population from villages, improper land use, including allocated land shares, absence of accurately defined boundaries, location of lands of this category. In order to solve the problem of transfer of unused agricultural lands into active economic turnover the need appears not only for more then 660 million roubles, but first of all, for the comprehensive land use planning measures on planning, rational use and conservation of the transferred lands. For this purpose the land use planning schemes should be drawn up for the areas of the Russian Federation subjects and their municipal units, as well as the projects of the intraeconomic land management and working projects.
Article Details
2. On Characteristics of Non-Use of the Land Parcels with Due Account for Features of Conducting Agricultural Production or Implementation of Other Activity Connected with Agri-cultural Production of Activity in Subjects of the Russian Federation [electronic source]: Gov-ernment Decree №369, dated 23 April 2012 // Legal reference system "Consultant plus", 2017.
3. Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture №600, dated 28 December 2016 «On Approval of the Procedure of Determining the Value of Work for Crop-Engineering Reclamation to Bring the Land Plot from Agricultural Land to a Condition Suitable for Farming» (Registered in the Ministry of Justice №45825, dated 02 March 2017).
4. State (national) report «On Condition and Using Land in the Russian Federation». Rosreestr. Moscow, 2016.
5. Report on the State and Use of Agricultural Land in the Russian Federation in 2016. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2018, рр.43-44.
6. Volkov S.N., Lipski S. A. Legal and Land Use Planning Measures for Involvement of Unused Agricultural Land into Economic Circulation and for Ensuring Their Effective Use // Land Management, Land Monitoring and Cadaster, 2017, no.2, рр. 5-10. (in Russian).
7. Volkov S.N. Legal and Economic Encouragement of Land Management Works for Development, Rational Use and Conservation of Rural Lands // Land Management, Land Moni-toring and Cadaster, 2017, no.4, рр.6-11. (in Russian).
8. Order of the government of Tver region №358-rp, dated 24 September 2016 «On the Approval of the Scheduled Plan of Measures for Adoption of Unused Lands of Agricultural Designation in Tver Region for the Period of 2016-2017» (contained changes and additions) // GARANT System. Available at: vjOlE.
9. Schedule of Measures (Action plan) «Involvement in Agricultural Rotation of Unused Land Plots from Agricultural Lands of Saratov Region for 2016-2020». Available at:В1% 80%В0%ИУ%В0%И6%В0%ИВ%В0%И0%В1%8А%20%В0%ИФ%В0%И0%В1%80%В1%82%В0%И02809.
10. Unused Agricultural Land in the Crimea is Planned to Involve in the Crop Rotation by 2020. Available at:
11. Cherkashina E.V. Land Management Activities as a Basis for Involvement in the Ro-tation of Unused Agricultural Land // Fundamental studies, 2018, no.5, рр.124-129. (in Rus-sian) Available at: