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Наталья Владимировна Шарапова Валентина Михайловна Шарапова Олеся Сергеевна Горбунова


The article discusses the dairy products market of the Sverdlovsk region. The problem of providing the population of the region with milk and dairy products is strategically important. The volume of dairy products produced largely depends on the effectiveness of state support and state intervention in the functioning of the industry. State support certainly has a significant impact on the efficiency of dairy farming, since the industry itself is highly expensive and low-profit. The influence of external factors and unforeseen conditions leads not only to a reduction in milk production, but also significantly reduces the productive qualities of cattle (including cows). State support makes it possible to increase the efficiency of dairy farming: increase gross milk production, improve the quality of dairy products, strengthen the position of competitiveness in the food market. The article discusses the main "working" areas of state support for dairy farming of agricultural producers of the Sverdlovsk region, as well as planned types of support. which will be in effect from 2023. The indicators on the level of milk production in comparison with the required level to achieve the required indicators of self-sufficiency of the population with their own products are given. Despite the fact that agricultural producers do not produce enough milk and dairy products, the Sverdlovsk region ranks eighth in Russia, and first in the Ural Federal District. The grouping of agricultural Departments in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region on milk yields per 1 cow was made (5 groups of agricultural producers were allocated). The forecast of profitability values up to 2027 by the exponential smoothing method has been carried out.

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Animal production


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