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Николай Дмитриевич Дмитриев Светлана Владимировна Ильченко Полина Юрьевна Мелехина


Issues of economic development necessitate a more complete study of the processes of creating efficiency at different levels of management. To find answers to these questions, it is necessary to turn to the classical categories, which are forced to transform in connection with the improvement of scientific knowledge. The category of intellectual rent also belongs to such categories. Intellectual capital is a rent-forming element and is able to favorably affect the economic development of multi-level entities. Despite the importance of intellectual rent in the field of enhancing economic growth of subjects, the issues of its formation and use are still insufficiently worked out in science and practice. This article is devoted to the study of the formation of intellectual rent at the level of territorial association. The purpose of the article is to develop approaches to assessing intellectual rent at the level of a territorial association, primarily at the regional level. The complexity of the raised problem lies in the impossibility of accurately measuring rent in quantitative terms from various rent-forming factors. It is proposed to focus on the theoretical foundations of the assessment of intellectual rent received by a territorial association from intellectual capital.

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Agricultural economics and policies


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