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Елена Павловна Евтушкова Ольга Александровна Шахова Анастасия Игоревна Солошенко


The article is devoted to the issues of regulation and development of a system of operational, periodic and basic observations of changes in the qualitative and quantitative state of land in order to create a unified base for the prevention and elimination of negative processes. The rational use of agricultural land should be based on monitoring studies. The system of measures to improve the efficiency of monitoring agricultural land will make it possible to rationally use and manage land resources. The purpose of the work: to develop a system of measures to improve the efficiency of monitoring agricultural land on the example of the Tyumen region. Object of study: agricultural land of the Tyumen region. Research methodology. Methodology for the implementation of state monitoring of agricultural land. State monitoring of agricultural land is a system of operational, periodic and basic observations of changes in the qualitative and quantitative state of land.

As a result of a comprehensive analysis of agricultural land in the Tyumen region, based on monitoring studies, it was revealed that in 2019 there was a decrease in the total area of ​​agricultural land by 673.1 thousand hectares. The main reason for the decrease in land area is the transfer to land of other categories. Including, according to Rosreestr, 672.1 thousand hectares were transferred from the agricultural land of the Tyumen region to the lands of the forest fund. On the territory of the Tyumen region, the structure of the development of negative processes is presented as follows: waterlogging - 58.22%, waterlogging - 5.43%, water erosion - 1.01%, flooding - 14.23%, flooding - 0.39%, disturbed lands - 0.53%. In 2020, Rosselkhoznadzor and Rosprirodnadzor identified violations in (Article 8.7, clause 2) failure to comply with established requirements and mandatory measures to improve, protect land and protect soil from wind and water erosion and prevent other processes and other negative impacts on the environment, worsening the quality of land - 65.8%, (Art. 8.6) damage to land - 44.8%, (Art. 8.7) failure to fulfill obligations for land reclamation, mandatory measures to improve land and protect soil - 28.3%. Based on the assessment and analysis of the monitoring of land in the Tyumen region, a set of measures was proposed to improve the quality of agricultural land. The implementation of the proposed measures will allow, in the future, to improve the main socio-economic indicators of the region.

Article Details

Land economics and policies


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