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Аминат Асланбековна Накаева Зарина Петровна Оказова


The phytosanitary state of corn crops raises many questions. More than 150 species of weeds from 32 families have been found in the corn agrocenosis in the North Caucasus. The joint growth of cultivated and weeds negatively affects the water, food and light conditions of crops, for example, ragweed plants spend 1.5 times more moisture in the initial stages of their development compared to cultivated plants, the growth and development rate at this stage also exceeds these indicators in cultivated plants. Yield losses on heavily weeded crops reach 50% against the background of a deterioration in the quality of the produced grain. The total cost of weed control in heavily infested crops is about 1/4 of all costs for grain production. The purpose of the study is to determine the species composition of weeds in corn crops and the possibility of using potassium humate-80 in reducing the critical period of weed component damage in corn crops in the forest-steppe zone of the Chechen Republic. The study was carried out using the Guidelines for the study of economic thresholds and critical periods of weed damage in crops. The study was conducted in the period 2016-2019. in the Gudermes region of the Chechen Republic. The soils of the experimental site are leached chernozem. In the experiments, a mid-season three-line hybrid of corn Zernogradsky 350 MV was used; derivatives of humic substances Potassium humate-80 0.01%. As a result of the phytosanitary monitoring carried out on corn crops, 40 species of weeds belonging to 22 botanical families were noted. Pre-sowing treatment of corn seeds with potassium humate-80 made it possible to reduce the duration of the critical period of weed component damage in corn crops to 22 days, which can be considered as a variant of the biological method of weed control in corn crops.

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Crop husbandry


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