Main Article Content
The labor potential of rural areas in recent years has negative trends towards deterioration of indicators: the unemployment rate is increasing, the number of able-bodied population is declining, differentiation in the wages of urban and rural workers continues to persist, and differences in the infrastructure of the territories persist. In the program for the development of rural areas and the activity plan of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation for 2020-2025. the main directions of work are formulated, including those aimed at developing the labor market (human resources) in rural areas. Over the past decades, there has been a decrease in the number of both the economic population and the labor force in rural areas. The problem is probably aggravated by the fact that there is a mismatch between the supply and demand of the labor market for agricultural professions. The article analyzes the vacancies of the labor market of the Sverdlovsk region for such a sought-after position as a machine milking operator. An analysis of demand in the labor market indicates a high level of demand for agricultural specialists. Despite the high level of demand for agricultural specialists posted on official job search websites, young qualified personnel are in no hurry to find a job on these proposals. The main reasons for the unattractiveness of the industry are, first of all, the low level of wages compared to vacancies in urban areas, the lack of developed infrastructure in rural areas and a decent level of housing improvement. To attract young agricultural professionals to the countryside, it is necessary to develop and implement projects at the state level that contribute to the social attractiveness of rural areas.
Article Details
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