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Куок Винь Чинь Сергей Павлович Якуцени


Geochemical changes on the planet lead to negative consequences, such as the ingress of toxic substances into the soil or fossils. This makes it necessary to conduct a geotoxicological assessment of the impact of geological processes on the environment.

The article discusses the concept and goals of geotoxicology as the science of the impact of geological processes on the environment. The main options and stages of carrying out are presented, various methods of carrying out geotoxicological assessment are investigated. It is determined that geotoxicological assessment in land use is carried out in four stages: determination of lithological and geochemical features of the composition and properties of sedimentary cover; tracing of technogenic halos and scattering flows from sources of geochemical anomalies to zones of increased toxicity; assessment of the impact of geological, geomorphological and geochemical processes on the technogenic transformation of the habitat; forecast of the dynamics of technogenic disturbances, development of recommendations, organization of geotoxicological monitoring.

It was noted that geotoxicological assessment can be carried out in three different ways, including certain types of work: methods of biogeochemical studies, methods of biotesting, analysis of the conjugacy of technogenic anomalies together with fields containing toxic risk.

Different methods are used at different stages of the geotoxicological assessment. Applying the methods of conducting laboratory experiments, the experimental method is used when conducting a geotoxicological assessment. The problems of implementing the experimental method in practice have led to the fact that the method of actualism (the actualistic method) has spread in geotoxicology. Such a method of conducting a geotoxicological assessment as observation was also considered. After the observation stage and the collection of factual material, generalization methods are applied. The gas survey method is actively used in the study of groundwater pollution. In the future, three main methods are used for geotoxicological assessment of sediments in groundwater: analyses of the entire sediment, tests for the fraction washed with an organic solvent, tests using pore water contained in sediments.

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Land economics and policies


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