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Phosphogypsum is not only a valuable meliorant for saline soils, it is also a multicomponent fertilizer that improves the soil structure and physical properties. Long-term research allowed to prove agronomical and economical efficiency of phosphogypsum application, to develop regulations for its application in agriculture. As the greatest result of all research work phosphogipsum was included to the Goverment subsidy program as gypsum-containing meliorants
Article Details
1. Akanova N.I. Phosphogypsum neutralized - promising product for agriculture intensification. (on materials of workshops of JSC "MCC" Eurochem ")//fertility.-2013 No. 1 (70), p. 2-7.
2. Angels l.I., Levin B.V., Chernenko Yu.D. Phosphate raw materials. M.: Nedra, 2000.-120 s.
3. The report of the plant production and chemical plant protection Department Director, Russian Ministry of agriculture Chekmarev P.A. at the all-Russian agrarian meeting. 10.03.2015
4. Baybekov R.F. Shilnikov, I.A., Akanova N.I., Sheudzhen A.Kh. Scientific-practical recommendations on application of phosphogypsum as chemical ameliorant and sulphur fertilizers, m: VNIIA.-2012.-43 s.
5. Beljuchenko I.S., Dobrydnev E.P., Meravyev E.I. Environmental peculiarities of phosphogypsum and perspectives of its application in agriculture//problems of reclamation of waste household, industrial and agricultural production, 2010. C. 13-22.
6. Fedotova L.S., Timoshina N.A., Knyazeva Е.В., Troshina A.A., " Phosphogypsum for agriculture" - an effective remedy raising fertility of soil and efficiency potato crop rotation. – Material of conference «Ecological problems of economic agents» - Penza, 2015, p.200-208
7. Sheudjen A.H., Onoshenko L.M., Bondareva T.N., Esipenko S.V., Neutralized phosphogipsum as a highly effective multicomponent fertilizer on grain crops – Preoceedeins of Kuban State Agrarian University – Krasnodar, 2015, p. 144-148
8. Chuan L. Use of Phosphogipsum in Agriculture in China – Review Papers, IFA – 2016, 32p.
9. Caires, E.F.; Inagaki, T.M. , Guimarães, A.M., Phosphogypsum Agricultural Uses in Southern Brazil – Review Papers, IFA – 2016, 25p.
2. Angels l.I., Levin B.V., Chernenko Yu.D. Phosphate raw materials. M.: Nedra, 2000.-120 s.
3. The report of the plant production and chemical plant protection Department Director, Russian Ministry of agriculture Chekmarev P.A. at the all-Russian agrarian meeting. 10.03.2015
4. Baybekov R.F. Shilnikov, I.A., Akanova N.I., Sheudzhen A.Kh. Scientific-practical recommendations on application of phosphogypsum as chemical ameliorant and sulphur fertilizers, m: VNIIA.-2012.-43 s.
5. Beljuchenko I.S., Dobrydnev E.P., Meravyev E.I. Environmental peculiarities of phosphogypsum and perspectives of its application in agriculture//problems of reclamation of waste household, industrial and agricultural production, 2010. C. 13-22.
6. Fedotova L.S., Timoshina N.A., Knyazeva Е.В., Troshina A.A., " Phosphogypsum for agriculture" - an effective remedy raising fertility of soil and efficiency potato crop rotation. – Material of conference «Ecological problems of economic agents» - Penza, 2015, p.200-208
7. Sheudjen A.H., Onoshenko L.M., Bondareva T.N., Esipenko S.V., Neutralized phosphogipsum as a highly effective multicomponent fertilizer on grain crops – Preoceedeins of Kuban State Agrarian University – Krasnodar, 2015, p. 144-148
8. Chuan L. Use of Phosphogipsum in Agriculture in China – Review Papers, IFA – 2016, 32p.
9. Caires, E.F.; Inagaki, T.M. , Guimarães, A.M., Phosphogypsum Agricultural Uses in Southern Brazil – Review Papers, IFA – 2016, 25p.