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Сахаяна Афанасьевна Павлова Елена Семеновна Пестерева Наталья Николаевна Жиркова


The article deals with the creation of seeded cereal and legume-cereal grass stands with estuary irrigation in alasny meadows with haymaking use. Estuary irrigation is considered to be a constant source of green fodder and hay with low costs has been used for thousands of years, including the territories of arid areas. Flooding of estuaries from irrigation system channels guarantees annual irrigation and stable production of high yields of forage crops and meadow grasses. The use of local runoff in combination with the supply of irrigation water to flood estuaries with a shallow filling depth is the main feature of the development of estuary irrigation at the present stage. Measures to maximize the use of local water resources have an important role to play. In this regard, estuary irrigation is of great importance, being a significant reserve in increasing feed production. The article provides data on yield, botanical composition, feed quality, economic and agro-energy assessment of cereal and legume-grass stands. The research was carried out at the Liman research and production hospital on the basis of the feed production laboratory of the Yakut Research Institute of Agriculture in 2020-2022. The highest yield in the eighth year of haymaking use with estuary irrigation in the conditions of the Alas was formed by a cereal grass mixture of rump (10 kg / ha) + wheatgrass (8 kg / ha) – 2.6 t / ha SV, which is higher than the control by 1.4 t/ ha. The basis of the grass mixture in estuarine meadows was the boneless stalk (90.0%) of SV, the introduced types of natural grasses (8.0%) of SV. Of the cereal-legume grass mixtures, the highest yield (3.1 t/ha) of SV was provided by a three-component alfalfa mixture (8 kg/ha)+wheatgrass (8 kg/ha) + used rump (15 kg/ha). At the same time, the safety of alfalfa in the herbage is 44.0%, rump - 48.0%, introduced species 5.0%, weeds -3.0%.

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Crop husbandry


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