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Due to the problems of environmental pollution with heavy metals (TM), many of which are toxic, the organic matter of the soil undergoes specific physico-chemical interactions with them both at the level of humic and fulvic acids. Soils are able to accumulate toxic substances in the humus horizon, including due to the processes of complex formation. The study of the stability of such compounds, their distribution over horizons depending on the type of soil, translocations in the soil-plant system largely determine the ecological component of agricultural products. In this regard, the migration of lead and cadmium in the soil-spinach plant system of the "Krepysh" variety was studied with an assessment of the phytotoxicity of the soil.
Article Details
Crop husbandry
1. Bushuev N.N. Interaction of heavy metals with various soil components. / The role of environmental management of rural areas in ensuring sustainable development of agriculture (Materials of the international scientific and practical conference). Moscow. - 2017. pp. 16-22.
2. Kravchenko A.L. Humus substances of the soil/ A.L. Kravchenko, M.V. Zaitseva, Yu.A. Stekolnikov, G.V. Slavinskaya// Bulletin of the Tambov State Technical University. – 2013. – pp. 186-196
3. Kravchenko A.L. Heavy metals in the soil-plant system under pollution conditions / A.L. Kravchenko, M.V.Zaitseva, Yu.A. Stekolnikov // Scientific notes of the Orel State University. Eagle. – 2013. - No. 3. – pp. 190-193
4. Kravchenko A.L. Ecological assessment of the influence of phytotoxicity of soil on plant development: dis. ... Candidate of Biological Sciences : 03.02.08 / Kravchenko Antonina Leonidovna; [Place of protection: Russian University of Friendship of Peoples]. - Moscow, 2016. - 115 p.
5. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of mobile forms of metals in soil samples with an atomic absorption analyzer (RD 50 18 289-90), 2015.15p
6. Guidelines for sanitary and chemical soil research. M, GC SENR RRIAC, 2013. 40c
7. Smirnova N.V. , Shvedova L.V., Nevsky A.L. Influence of lead and cadmium on soil phytotoxicity. / Ecology and Industry of Russia, April, 2005. 32-35 p.
2. Kravchenko A.L. Humus substances of the soil/ A.L. Kravchenko, M.V. Zaitseva, Yu.A. Stekolnikov, G.V. Slavinskaya// Bulletin of the Tambov State Technical University. – 2013. – pp. 186-196
3. Kravchenko A.L. Heavy metals in the soil-plant system under pollution conditions / A.L. Kravchenko, M.V.Zaitseva, Yu.A. Stekolnikov // Scientific notes of the Orel State University. Eagle. – 2013. - No. 3. – pp. 190-193
4. Kravchenko A.L. Ecological assessment of the influence of phytotoxicity of soil on plant development: dis. ... Candidate of Biological Sciences : 03.02.08 / Kravchenko Antonina Leonidovna; [Place of protection: Russian University of Friendship of Peoples]. - Moscow, 2016. - 115 p.
5. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of mobile forms of metals in soil samples with an atomic absorption analyzer (RD 50 18 289-90), 2015.15p
6. Guidelines for sanitary and chemical soil research. M, GC SENR RRIAC, 2013. 40c
7. Smirnova N.V. , Shvedova L.V., Nevsky A.L. Influence of lead and cadmium on soil phytotoxicity. / Ecology and Industry of Russia, April, 2005. 32-35 p.