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Юлия Станиславовна Синица Ольга Борисовна Бородина Галина Васильевна Ковалевская


The article presents the results of considering the features of the formation of the international classification of specially protected natural objects. Protected natural areas account for 12% of the world's land surface and the fundamental objects of all national and international strategies supported by the government and international agencies. For many years one of the leading international organizations for nature conservation by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)) Work is underway to develop a unified international classification of protected natural objects and their management system, and the criteria under which a natural object can receive the status of World Heritage site are being updated in order to obtain privileges in order to preserve unique natural complexes. Every four years within the framework of the World Congress on Nature Conservation new approaches to the classification of protected nature objects are determined in order to preserve cultural landscapes with unique biodiversity, seascapes, etc. A special role is given to the management of protected natural areas, which has its own classification of types of protected areas management. The issues raised by nature defenders in the framework of international congresses are primarily aimed at the management of natural objects and setting priorities for these territories around the world, creating a global system of protected areas. In this study, the authors reviewed the latest revisions to clarify the definition of protected natural objects, as well as analized of the current classification system of natural protected objects, investigated the features and characteristics of each element of this classification.

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Land economics and policies


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