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Раиса Сергеевна Полякова Галина Николаевна Кузнецова


In 2019-2021, we carried out the ecological variety trial of spring rapeseed. The trial took place at the experiment fields of the Siberian branch of V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops. Rapeseed varieties and hybrids of domestic and foreign breeding were the objects of the trial. The purpose of the research was to give a comparative characteristic and evaluate the potential of released and new non-released varieties under the conditions of Omsk region. We carried out the research through field experiments following the form of competitive variety trials. We sowed by the fallow predecessor on plots with the recording area of 23 m2 in 3 replications on chernozem soil. We used high-yielding variety Granit as a standard. Indicators of heat and water availability varied greatly during the research years. On average for three years of trials in the conditions of Omsk region, the hybrids Ozorno and Lumen (2.66 and 2.64 t/ha) showed the highest seed yields. In terms of the oil content of seeds, the following varieties of the breeding of the Siberian branch have the highest indicators: Granit (50.9 %), Kupol (50.6 %), and 55region (51.7 %). These varieties are slightly inferior to the hybrids in terms of seed yield. The varieties Antares, Highlight, and Hunter have a short growing season (81-85 days), which is important for the conditions of Sibirian. The content of glucosinolates in seeds in all studied varieties and hybrids corresponds to international standards. The varieties Amulet and Ruyan are well adapted to the conditions of Omsk region and have an altered ratio of fatty acids in oil (the content of oleic acid is up to 75.2 % and linoleic acid is up to 5.6 %), which is of interest for developing new breeding material.

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Crop husbandry


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