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Вячеслав Викторович Гладнев Марина Викторовна Ванеева Елена Владимировна Куликова


The article notes that in Russia there is a slowdown in the rate of reduction of agricultural land, but there is a low quality of land resources, therefore, the preservation of the quality of fertile land and the integrity of sustainable agroland landscapes is one of the most important, strategic tasks for both the agro-industrial complex in general and the agricultural sector in particular. Therefore, the purpose of the work is to carry out a study of the technology for performing ravines in agroland scaffolds and analyze the results of using various methods for determining the volume of earthworks using topographic survey materials. Parameters characterizing the process of ravine formation and allowing the study of the state of agrolandscapes based on the cartographic materials of these sites are determined. Methods of building and filling ravines on agroland scaffolds have been analyzed. It was concluded that the considered approaches and technologies for the construction of ravines suggest the determination of general parameters - the volume of earthworks. In the work, a computational experiment was carried out using the computer programs Agisoft Metashape Professional, AutoCAD Civil 3D and Pythagoras, as a result of which the volume of work of the projected filling of the ravine in the selected problem area was determined. The course of the computational experiment is given. Comparative analysis of the results, determination of the volume of excavation of the ravine backfilling was carried out. According to the results of the experiment, it was concluded that automated methods several times increase labor productivity in data processing, and the Agisoft Metashape Professional program is universal for building a digital terrain model (DTM) for aerial photographs and for calculating volumes. However, it should also be noted that AutoCAD Civil 3D uses a digital relief model (DRM) closer to the area, and the calculated result is closest to the arithmetic mean of all the obtained values of backfilling volumes.

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