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Людмила Сергеевна Качанова


The prospects for the development of the real sector of the economy as the main center for the formation of gross value added are substantiated. A variant of the methodology for substantiating indicators of the development of the real sector of the economy is proposed. The methodology is used to calculate the volume of lending to the real sector as a percentage of GDP, the cost of research and development in value terms and as a percentage of GDP, the degree of depreciation of fixed assets, the coefficients of renewal of fixed assets and disposal of fixed assets. The share of high-tech goods in the total volume of exports is justified. It is concluded that it is impossible to achieve certain threshold values of indicators of the development of the real sector of the economy at the existing level of investment activity. The lack of innovative scientific developments does not allow providing the economy with competitive technologies. The use of subsidizing part of the costs of research and development in the real sector of the economy is proposed. The practice of applying cost recovery programs is used in various fields of activity, the stimulation of which has a beneficial effect on the country's economy. In this case, the subsidy program can be a refund of up to 50% of the costs of research and development initiated by organizations, which can greatly stimulate the interest of the real sector of the economy in investing in this direction.

Article Details

Agricultural economics and policies


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