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Василий Иванович Нилиповский Айжан Наскеновна Жилдикбаева Алла Ивановна Сабирова Серик Калмырзаевич Елемесов Алима Кебековна Жыргалова


The methodology for determining the limiting (maximum) size of agricultural land plots that can be leased to individuals and legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan for agricultural production after the expiry of the current long-term lease is substantiated in the article. The basic condition is the formation of a land use in which there is a close dependence on the conditions and factors of production, where land, material resources and labour are in certain proportions and balanced. The basic criteria for setting the maximum size of a land plot are as follows: the land area leased to one legal entity may not exceed 1/3 of the area of agricultural land of a rural district in a particular administrative district, and to an individual no more than 15% of the area of an agricultural enterprise of similar specialisation. Formed land use should be subject to zonal specialisation in accordance with natural-agricultural zoning; take into account the minimum thresholds for the area of crop rotation in the crop production branches and the size of livestock in herds of different livestock species in accordance with the breed composition in the livestock production branch. 

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Land economics and policies


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