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Маратина Шагировна Махотлова Ахмед Абдулкеримович Созаев Дианна Анатольевна Шантукова Эльдар Магомедович Малкандуев


The article discusses the issues of creating a three-dimensional cadastre, involving the accounting and registration of real estate objects in three-dimensional space. On the basis of theoretical and experimental studies, the main conclusions were drawn and the results were obtained, which are as follows: it is shown that the transition to 3D-cadastre will contribute to improving cadastral registration and registration of rights to complex real estate objects, strengthening the guarantees of owners' rights, expanding the types of cadastral registration objects, as well as more effective solution of taxation issues, territorial planning, improvement of urban areas, development of investment construction. The use of a 3D cadastre will allow you to see the changes associated with the real estate object over time, for the entire period of its operation.

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Land economics and policies


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