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Даниил Александрович Костылев


High cost of cell-space using modern cassettes for growing conifers and low germination of spruce seeds makes it relevant to discover methods to increase the germination of the crop. The purpose of the experiment was to find the possibility to increase the germination of picea pungens seeds by pre-sowing treatment of seeds and substrate with biological products based on humates, boron and microelements, as well as with bacteria Bacillus subtilis and mycorrhiza. Seed treatment with Borogum-M and Phytosporin-M statistically significantly increased the germination of picea pungens seeds by 6.4%. The treatment and supplemental application of 33 Bogatyrs and Kormilitsa Mycorrhiza products to the turfy substrate increased the germination to 68.1 %, which exceeded the control by 29.8 %.

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Crop husbandry


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