Main Article Content

Наталия Владимировна Решетникова


The article notes that the organizational and economic transformations of the agro-food complex are aimed at the balanced development of the agro-industrial complex and the satisfaction of consumer demand for food. These transformations are embodied in the development of various organizational and legal forms of production and marketing activities. It is emphasized that the search for the optimal proportion of the ratio of large, medium and small enterprises continues to be debatable. The article analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of small forms of management in the structure of the agro-food complex. The main economic indicators of the activity of small forms of business in the agricultural sector for the period 2010-2020 were studied, namely: indicators of the structure of production of the main types of agricultural products, marketability indicators, the share of profitable enterprises, liquidity and autonomy ratios. The dynamics of changes in these parameters is traced in comparison with the performance indicators of other categories of farms. It is concluded that the emphasis on large agricultural organizations in the structure of the agro-food complex in a number of regions and industries does not exclude the importance of the role of the small business sector in ensuring the sustainable development of rural areas, in saturating local food markets with locally produced goods.

Article Details

Agricultural economics and policies


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