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Нурлан Биржанович Толбаев Амангельды Каирбекович Апушев Нурдана Нуртаевна Салыбекова Бахадир Юлдашевич Юсупов


The main purpose of the development of cultivation technology adapted to the conditions of Kazakhstan is to study the phenological, morphological, and biological features of development and changes in decorative and economically valuable characteristics of species and varieties of tulips in various soil and climatic zones of Kazakhstan.

The most promising wild-growing species of T.greigii, T.kaufmanniana, T.alberti, T.bifloriformis, T.lemmersii, T.turkestanica, T.orthopoda, T.borszczowii have been identified. The research was carried out in the mountainous areas of the Talas Alatau and the Karatau ranges. The phenological, morphological, and biological features of development in various soil and climatic zones of Kazakhstan have been studied, and a comparative analysis of wild tulip species has been carried out. Their morphological features are revealed. Their introduction properties, the degree of adaptive capabilities, and the presence of hybrid forms have also been studied.

Information about the features of seasonal growth and development is presented, as well as the timing and duration of the flowering of the selected species are established. Based on the results obtained under conditions in the Karatau and Talas-Alatau mountain systems. The total duration of flowering of wild species was 15-26 days.

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Crop husbandry


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