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Марина Николаевна Веселова Ирина Владимировна Хоречко


Land in agriculture is the main means of production. Agricultural land use parameters determine production efficiency. Crop production is especially dependent on the parameters of arable land, therefore, by improving the parameters of arable land, it is possible to increase the efficiency of crop production.

Organizing and improving agricultural land use is one of the main tasks of on-farm land management. The main project activities are related to the transformation and improvement of land, the organization and engineering equipment of the arable land. The use of various mathematical models in the process of developing and justifying design solutions allows us to take into account all conditions and resources, speeds up the process, and allows us to plan quality production indicators.

The article discusses the issues of increasing the efficiency of crop production based on improving the parameters of arable land using a mathematical model. The object of the study is the agricultural production complex Lesnoy, Isilkul district, Omsk region.

To automate the calculations, a mathematical model was built based on regression equations between crop production indicators and arable land parameters. A mathematical model was built for two indicators – grain yield and profitability of crop production. Based on a mathematical model, the value of arable land parameters is predicted to achieve certain parameters of crop production efficiency, and then proposals are developed to improve the arable land parameters and bring them to the predicted value.

It is proposed to increase grain yields by transforming arable land located on soils with a low quality score. During the transformation, the location of the arable plots selected for transformation was taken into account, as well as the specialization of the farm and the location of the main livestock farms.

To increase the profitability of crop production, it is proposed to reduce the distance of on-farm transportation. For this purpose, a field camp is designed in remote arable areas.

Taking into account the proposed proposals, the design parameters of the arable land were calculated and entered into the mathematical model. As a result, grain yields on the farm and profitability increased and reached average regional values.

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Crop husbandry


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