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Марина Николаевна Веселова Анна Анатольевна Ямова


The purpose of the analysis is to identify factors and indicators affecting the loss of land from agricultural turnover. Identification of factors affecting the disposal of agricultural land will help to identify specific measures to minimise and eliminate them. The article analyses the availability of agricultural land and unused land on a specific object. Districts with the highest and lowest weight of agricultural land were identified. Six groups of factors and related indicators were identified, which should be paid special attention to, as they affect the loss of agricultural land from turnover. By means of correlation analysis, the factors of direct and reverse impact were determined, and the resultant and factorial indicators were established. Based on the Cheddock scale, the closeness of the relationship between the identified indicators was established. In order to group the districts of the south of the Tyumen Oblast according to the degree of favourability, the favourability assessment scales were developed, which helped to identify the best and worst districts of the studied territory. The intensity of use of agricultural land in circulation is constantly increasing, which also creates a risk of reaching the limit of agricultural production growth, which requires, on the one hand, targeted actions to preserve and improve soil fertility and, on the other hand, to involve unused agricultural land in the turnover. Huge areas of used and unused agricultural land are a great potential for economic growth of the economy. The issue of engaging unused land into turnover is at the state level, as evidenced by the State Programme for Effective Engagement of Agricultural Land into Turnover and Development of Land Reclamation Complex of the Russian Federation developed in 2021.

Article Details

Agricultural economics and policies


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