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Александр Юрьевич Павлов Александр Алексеевич Кудрявцев


The article discusses the main areas of support for organic producers implemented by regional authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to identify conceptual approaches, key elements and a set of measures, the presence of which is an essential condition for improving the effectiveness of regional plans and programs to support organic agriculture. The analysis of domestic and foreign scientific research on relevant issues is carried out. The foreign experience of supporting organic producers is considered, as well as the proposals of Russian scientists on improving the areas of state support for organic agriculture are summarized. The distribution of organic producers across the subjects of the Russian Federation is analyzed and the regions leading in the number of producers registered in their territory are identified. According to the identified subjects, the leaders studied the regional regulatory framework governing measures in the field of agricultural support based on the principles of organic production. It is concluded that at the current stage, regional support programs for organic agriculture do not have a significant impact on the development of relevant activities, and the main factor is the "bottom-up" initiative, the desire of producers to benefit from entering the market of organic products. The conceptual foundations for the formation of a regional program for the development of organic production are proposed.

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Agricultural economics and policies


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