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Залина Хасановна Шогенцукова Карина Асланбековна Сундукова


The article considers the concept and issues of decarbonisation of the economy, and their impact on the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. The state and indicators in the field of environmental protection are studied, the impact of these indicators on the formation of climate policy is analysed: environmental protection expenditures, structures and volumes of these expenditures taking into account the directions of environmental protection activities, investments in fixed capital for environmental protection. The systematization of environmental protection indicators is particularly relevant in the context of the intensification of the climate agenda at the international, macro- (at the level of individual countries), meso- and micro-levels. At the same time, decarbonisation measures as an element of the concept of sustainable development are applicable in all sectors of the national economy and influence the formation of trends in their development, including the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation.

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Land economics and policies


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