Rules of registration and publication of articles
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1. The originality of the articles. Accepted for publication, appropriate scientific areas of the journal articles that the author has collected new original, previously unpublished results of scientific research, theoretical, practical (innovative) development, ready for use and is a topical (demand) at the present stage of scientific development, either representing the scientific and cognitive interest. The article needs to clearly present the current state of the problem, research method and the results obtained.
The use of more than 10% of another, previously published, his text is not recommended. The editors will not consider manuscripts submitted simultaneously to other journals, as well as works that are for the most part already been published in the form of an article or part of another work in any other printed publication or by electronic media.
All published materials undergo a compulsory scientific, stylistic and technical editing, in accordance with the requirements of WAC to the publication of scientific literature. Scientific review is carried out by members of the editorial Board and invited reviewers. Reviewers ‘ recommendations are the basis for the final decision on publication of the article.
2. Plagiarism (from the Latin. plagiatus – kidnapping) is expressed in illegal use under the name of another product or another’s ideas, and in the fragments of foreign borrowing works without specifying the source of borrowing, intentional appropriation of authorship.
Under the plagiarism is understood as verbatim copying and paraphrasing someone else’s text. The use of borrowing the text of another author, the link to the source. Plagiarism can be detected both at the stage of obtaining articles using computer-based methods, and at the stage of peer review. All suspected plagiarism carefully checked. In the case of confirmation of plagiarism or falsification of results, the article will be immediately rejected.
3. The editorial Board accepts for consideration articles, typed on the computer in Microsoft Word (font Times New Roman 14 1.5 line spacing; margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1,5 cm, top – 2cm, bottom – 2cm), printed on standard paper format (A4). Page numbering at the right edge of the bottom of the page. The text is aligned in width with a paragraph indentation.
The volume of article should not exceed 23 standard page, preferably the inclusion of tables and figures, the presence of a bibliography is necessary.
The material in the article should be presented in a structured, if possible (at least in meaning, or font) the following sections: introduction; methods and methodology of the study; the experimental base, the course of the study; results and discussion; application of results; conclusions.
When typing you should avoid using non standard fonts (e.g., fonts, national languages, specialized fonts, formula, etc.). If this is not possible, you must provide in edition to file this font for correct playback of Your text.
All abbreviations in the text should be deciphered.
The article should be carefully read and signed by all authors.
4. The author must inform (necessarily) your name, surname, academic degree, academic title, honorary title, position, place of work, city (place in upper left corner before the title of the article) – in Russian and English languages.
In addition, each author must complete the author’s card (form attached).
5. Title of the article should be worded clearly and specifically, and to fully correspond to its content. Title of the article feature in the center, gaining 14 font, bold, capital letters, dot in the end is not put – on Russian and English languages.
6. All of the tables in the article should be numbered (sequentially numbered), have titles, links to them in the text required.
The tables placed after the references in the text. Each table should be numbered, have a brief, corresponding to the content name. Graph titles (sidehead) and rows (cap) should be formulated concisely and accurately. The information presented in the table should be succinct, vivid, and clear to understand and respond to the content of that part of the article that it illustrates. The table uses common abbreviations and approved in the International system of units (GOST 8.417-81) units of physical and mathematical values. If you are using other system of units, this should be agreed separately.
The table is allowed to print 12 font through 1 interval.
Tables are performed by the standard means of Microsoft Word or imported from Excel (without any information).
7. All figures (charts, diagrams, graphs, pictures) in the article should be numbered (sequentially numbered), to have captions, reference in text required.
The figures come after the references in the text. Figures should be clear, multicolor (colors are bright and saturated) and is available for printing reproduction, made in the form, ensuring the clarity of all details. If the figures shown on the axes, you must specify their name and to designate a numeric value.
8. Formula to draw a clear and understandable way, revealing all lettering. For formulas and letter symbols to them in the text, you must use the equation editor of Microsoft Word with the default settings: font 16, font style normal (not italic, not bold).
Scanning formulas from other sources (books, magazines, etc.) is not allowed.
9. List of references (at least 6 sources) is mandatory. Placed at the end of the article (not in footnotes) in the order they are mentioned. The presence of references in the text preferably (numbered references are given in the text in square brackets in normal text format).
The list is made in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Citation. General requirements and rules” and GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of making”. A link to each source is given in the language in which it is published.
10. The presence of abstract, key words, or combinations and UDC to publish necessarily.
Abstract (Summary) – font size 14, 1.5 line spacing, 1-3 sentences, no less than 10 lines in Russian and English languages.
Key words or combinations (Keywods) – font size 14, 1.5 line spacing, 1-3 lines, no more than 8 words in Russian and English languages.
Authors draw attention to the need to provide high quality professional English translation of abstract and keywords. Automated translation using software systems is strictly prohibited!
UDC (Universal decimal classification) is an international system of classification of documents covering all spheres of human knowledge used for the organization of informational databases. The technique of indexing in the UDC system is a set of methods and rules to construct an index of concepts the content of a certain document. Get advice on working with the UDC classifier and definition of code works in a standard library. Necessary information is also available on the Internet.
11. The structure of the article:
Author (authors) in Russian language
Author (authors) in English
The name in Russian
The name in English
Abstract in Russian (no less than 10 lines)
Abstract in English
Key words (4-8 words or combinations)
Key words in English
The text includes illustrative material (tables, figures)
Literature (at least 6 sources)
12. The article must attach supporting documents: a letter of recommendation, review and the author’s card.
A recommendation letter is written in any form, issued on the letterhead of the academic institution which employs or undertakes research, the author signs it the rector (Director), Vice-rector for research (Deputy Director), head of Department (head of Department) or the research supervisor. The basis for letters of recommendation can be the minutes of the faculty meeting of the academic Council of the faculty, the decision of the rector or Vice-rector with the appropriate signature.
The review is written by a doctor or candidate of Sciences in researches of the author. The review substantiates the novelty and relevance of the article, logic of presentation, the scientific validity of findings and conclusions includes the recommendation of the reviewer in relation to the article.
The review should be signed by the reviewer indicating his academic degree, rank and position, as well as certified by the stamp and signature of the head of the personnel Department of the institution, contain the date of its signing.
The purpose of a scientific publication is a contribution to science. The value of this contribution is determined by the reviewer. The publication of questionable data discreditied not only the author but also the entire scientific community and science in General. If you are in doubt of the validity of the content of the article, the reviewer needs to say it in the review.
In addition, the author (s) must complete, sign and send to the editor author’s card.
13. Providing articles to the editor:
Article + scanned accompanying documents author (s) sends to the electronic address of the editorial office and the original articles signed by the author (authors), letters of recommendation, reviews, and author’s card sends to the editor by mail.
Reference on receipt of articles to the editors and their promotion you can get the email address of the editorial office and by phone: (495) 543-65-62; (916) 542-93-67.
In the process of preparation of manuscripts all correspondence with the authors, the editorial staff is only by email.
14. The procedure for the adoption and promotion of the article:
1. Getting a version of the article (+supporting documents), reading it, reviewing, and message author (for 1-2 weeks) on the decision of the editorial Board for its publication.
2. In the case of a positive decision together with the notification of the decision is sent to the author of the bill (the notice) for payment. Payment amount = the cost of the publishing services, publication of article + shipping 1 copy of the journal to the author and depends on the timing of the publication (urgent or non-urgent).
3. Getting a revision from the author of the payment notification.
4. Preparation of articles the editorial staff and its publication the number specified in the invoice.
5. Sending the author’s copy of the journal after publication of the edition.
15. No received material will not be returned.
16. For the factual side of the articles legal and other responsibility of the authors.
17. The editorial Board reserves the right to reproduce submitted by the authors of the materials (publication, reproduction) without limitation of copies.
18. Author’s card.
Download a spreadsheet, fill in on your computer and attach to email – Download avtorcard.doc
Additional requirements for articles for inclusion in the database of International information systems for agricultural science and technology AGRIS, FAO of the UN
Starting in 2015, “international agricultural journal” directs the articles in the international database AGRIS. If You want Your article was reviewed and selected by instructors for placement in the AGRIS database, it must meet the following additional requirements:
The volume of articles of at least 12 pages (pure text without the annotation, keywords, bibliography, information about the authors) – in Microsoft Word, font size 14, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing.
The material in the article should be structured, if possible (at least in meaning, or font) the following sections: introduction; methods and methodology of the study; the experimental base, the course of the study; results and discussion; application of results; conclusions.
Illustrations, tables, figures, diagrams, photographs – are desirable.
Bibliography at least 6 sources, possibly the inclusion of foreign authors is mandatory. In addition, it must also be present and in Latin letters (transliteration).
The article should provide the abstract in Russian and English.
The recommended amount of 1,000-2,000 characters (about 200-250 words). In the beginning does NOT repeat the article title. The abstract is NOT divided into paragraphs, do NOT use introductory words and momentum. It is necessary to highlight the study’s purpose, methods, results (preferably with reduction of quantitative data), to articulate insights. The structure of the essay briefly describes the structure of the work. The introductory part is minimal. Place of study specified to the region (province). The text contains SPECIFIC information (conclusions, recommendations, etc.). Introduction abbreviations within the abstract (the concept of 2-3 words is replaced by the abbreviation of the appropriate number of letters in the 1st time is given completely, the reduction is in parentheses, then use only the abbreviation). Numbers, if not the first word transmitted digits. You cannot use abbreviations and complex formatting (e.g., subscripts and superscripts). Categorically not allowed to insert through the menu with a Symbol sign line break, sign soft hyphen, the automatic hyphenation.
The translation of the Abstract into English. Unacceptable use machine translation!!! Instead of a decimal point is used. All Russian abbreviations are transmitted in decrypted form, if they have no stable analogue in the English language (acceptable: WTO, WTO, FAO, FAO, etc.)