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Даниил Александрович Коровин Владимир Иванович Гайдук


The high level of development of regional infrastructure, including rural areas, is one of the key factors for the successful economic development of the country and its social well-being. The use of public-private partnerships (hereinafter referred to as PPP) as a tool for attracting investments in regional development has significant potential for the implementation of a larger number of infrastructure projects, since PPP mechanisms are mainly used to implement precisely such projects. PPP allows, among other things, to reduce government spending on the development of rural areas and redistribute responsibility between the state and private business. Currently, the use of the PPP mechanism is not widespread as a tool for implementing projects in rural areas. This article analyzes statistical indicators characterizing the level of development of public-private partnerships in rural areas of the Southern Federal District and North Caucasus Federal District. Low awareness of potential investors about the features of the PPP instrument is identified as one of the root causes of the current dynamics.

Article Details

Agricultural economics and policies


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