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Эльдар Дж. Зейналов Неймят М. Гаджыев Рамиз Т. Халилов Осман Р. Алиев Сиявуш Ш. Велиев Асад Ш. Аллазов Аббас З. Ибрагимов


Energy in agriculture began its triumphant march after the end of World War II. Energy in agriculture has made it possible to increase the productivity of the agro-industrial complex in the shortest possible time. Electrification, heating and technical equipment of facilities have modernized the industry and given it new capacities for further development. One of the most important indicators of effective work in the agricultural sector is the minimization of energy consumption and natural resources and the optimization of the impact zone of the technological sphere. it is one of the most relevant. Today we are witnessing a limited amount of energy resources on the planet, the high price of electricity, the negative impact on nature and our health. All this suggests that it would be more rational and smarter to reduce the consumption of such energy, rather than constantly increase its production. The problems will only grow from this. For many years now, the world has been searching for various ways to reduce electricity consumption through its rational use. These indicators characterize the bioenergy base and bioenergy potential of the agricultural region. The purpose of this work is to assist in the development of projects based on the analytical method to ensure energy conservation and energy-efficient technologies, as well as optimal field structure in the distribution of energy across all types of resources in agricultural production. When preparing and analyzing the energy balance in agricultural production, special attention is paid to informed choices and decisions regarding the effective distribution of energy flows for all types of resources in the region..

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