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Oilseed flax is of great economic importance, therefore, before the selection of oilseed flax there are tasks: the creation of modern highly productive varieties of oilseed flax with a high content of oil in the seeds, suitable for food and technical purposes, resistant to abiotic and biotic environmental factors. To implement these tasks, the creation of a new source material on the basis of modern methods of selection using varietal samples of the world collection of VIR, sexual hybridization and chemical mutagenesis is of urgent importance. A collection nursery was founded, where 189 varietals of the world collection of VIR were studied. Varietals were assessed on the main biological and economically valuable features. The correlation coefficients between 10 traits in the varieties of the collection were studied, 2 correlation Pleiades were identified, the heritability coefficients were calculated. The study of varietal samples of the VIR collection showed that the collection is of interest as a valuable source material for breeding
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