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Александр Васильевич Курдюмов Александр Владимирович Королев


The article discusses modern innovative processes in the agro-industrial complex of Russia and their impact on ensuring food security. The work carried out an analysis of the dynamics of innovative development of agriculture. The article focuses on technological innovations, which are key for the progressive development of the analyzed sphere. The synthesis of the best practices of introducing innovations in the field of agro-industrial complex both in Russia and abroad made it possible to correlate the identified growth points with modern innovative products and technologies. The aim of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of innovative development of the Russian agro-industrial complex and identify systemic problems existing in this area, including those affecting food security issues. It is noted that even in comparison with Russian indicators in other sectors, agriculture has low innovative activity. So the share of organizations that carried out technological innovations, in the total number of organizations in the field of industrial production - 18.5%, in the service sector 21.4%. At the same time, the share of innovative goods, works, services in the total volume of goods shipped, works performed, services in industry is 6%. With a fairly modest dynamics of innovative development of agriculture, the share of process innovations in the entire range of innovations (technological, marketing and organizational) amounted to 72% in 2018. With the adoption of a set of strategic programs for the development of the agro-industrial sector and innovations in Russia, budget financing has improved slightly, but there has been no progressive dynamics in agriculture since 2017, and in the agro-industrial sector, the growth rate of budget financing is only 1.1%. As a result, the study noted the impact on the level of food security of the unrealized potential of Russian agriculture due to the lack of high-quality and effective innovative infrastructure.

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