Main Article Content
The article reveals the features of the implementation of cadastral activities on the lands of gardening and truck farming in the city of Tyumen. The basis of relevance is the fact that there is complete and reliable information in the Unified State Register about real estate objects, which can act as the guarantor that legitimizes the rights of owners to real estate, which is important for users of all forms of ownership. Information from the Unified State Register may be false about real estate objects. Therefore, the identification and timely correction of such errors becomes an urgent scientific task. It is especially acute in the periphery of our country and in the dacha sector in particular, which determined the object of research. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that on the territory of the city of Tyumen the largest number of DNT and SNT are located in the Central Administrative District, the minimum in the Eastern AO. The most common form of management is the territory of SNT, this is explainable by the established organization of land use.
The result of the work is the developed map of statistical errors, where it is noted that the number of accumulations of errors is not enough, which makes it possible to understand with which regions the greatest amount of work to eliminate registry errors is to be done. Based on the analysis carried out, it should be noted that in order to eliminate registry errors, measures should be taken to prevent them. As measures, the proposed organizational and legal structure for correcting the registry error is based on the methods of correction and methods of preventing registry errors. All this will improve the system of cadastral activities and will significantly reduce the number of registry errors and interruptions when registering land plots.
Article Details
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