Main Article Content
Rice irrigation systems have a number of features due to the specificity of the culture. The modern stage of rice production is associated with high consumption of resources, including water resources. Optimization of rice production should be based on taking into account factors and parameters of rice cultivation, provide for adjusting impacts and take into account the best practices of leading rice-growing countries and the level of scientific and technological progress. The main difficulty in developing new resource-saving technologies lies in the balanced management of available resources. Such management is possible only when taking into account all the connections and interconnections of factors and parameters that affect the final result - yield. The effectiveness of agrotechnical methods depends significantly on the prevailing agrometeorological conditions. Increasing requirements for management efficiency presuppose continuous improvement of information support systems. The article discusses an approach that makes it possible to obtain quantitative estimates of factors affecting the yield of rice. Reclamation measures are considered a Poisson flow of a certain intensity. The use of the developed model will make it possible to optimally allocate productive forces and obtain programmed rice yields without reducing the agro-resource potential of soils. Optimization of reclamation measures should be carried out taking into account the uncertainty of the initial information to ensure the effectiveness of management decisions on the rice irrigation system. Accounting for uncertainties will increase the efficiency of management decisions and thereby ensure the receipt of guaranteed yields of high-quality rice grain and rice crop rotation. The resulting technique is an element of a new developed methodology for managing the reclamation state of the rice irrigation system. The methodology will allow workers of the agro-industrial complex to make optimal management decisions in a timely manner, switch to new resource-saving technologies to obtain consistently high yields without reducing the agro-resource potential of soils. As a result of the accumulated positive experience, it is planned to conduct agricultural production, it is planned to update the existing regulatory and regulatory framework, taking into account the new results obtained.
Article Details
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