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М-А.Э. Текеев Х.Э. Текеева


The work of rural producers is rather difficult, the result of activity directly depends on external factors - weather conditions and in order to engage in them, it is necessary to love the land that feeds us very much. Food policy has always played a major role in the economy of any State. Agriculture and its industries, as the basic component of the agro-industrial complex, are the leading systemically forming spheres of the economy of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. The article considers the evaluation of the implementation of the program for the development of competition in the agricultural market of the KCR, the effectiveness of the implementation of state programs for the functioning of the agricultural industry in a single region, when, in conditions with a systematic manifestation of crisis phenomena, an increase in the efficiency of the implementation of state programs for the development of the regions becomes especially important.

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Agricultural economics and policies


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