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Наталья Владимировна Литвиненко


The article reveals the features of improving the rational use of forest resources in the context of digitalization of the Tyumen region. The correct approach to the formation of the forest register ensures the safety and favorable conditions for human activity on the lands of the forest fund, and limits the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment. The forest register is a new form of information document. Forests, as objects of natural resources, must be taken into account for their rational use. There is no single cadastre or register of natural resources, but gradually everything is moving towards this. For example, the USRN includes three previously separately existing information systems. In the modern world, the problem of deforestation has become aggravated due to an increase in anthropogenic pressure. Digital Forest is a model platform, a modern concept. One of the biggest bottlenecks in forestry digitalization is forest protection. It is necessary to protect forests not only from fires, but also from unauthorized felling, exposure to adverse weather conditions. In general, the dynamics of anthropogenic impact on forest lands in the Tyumen region is decreasing, due to the fact that implementation is being introduced to convert information into digital form, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles has become more common, which allows processing a large amount of information in a fast time period. It is also necessary to plan the implementation of measures for reforestation, afforestation, protection of forests from pests. It is important for the state that complete and reliable information about forest resources be entered in the forest register, which will allow timely management decisions to be made in organizing the use of such a natural resource as a forest.

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Agricultural economics and policies


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