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Борис Александрович Воронин Ирина Павловна Чупина Яна Викторовна Воронина Елена Васильевна Зарубина Наталья Николаевна Симачкова


Due to the national-territorial features in the modern Russian Federation, a rural settlement is called: a village, a village, a farm, a village, aul, a village, a village, and others. Following the example of Belarus, several rural settlements are united and have the status of an agro-town. The rural settlement has historically been the place of residence and labor activity of peasants. An analysis of the legal regulation of the development of Russian agriculture in the Soviet period shows that legal acts aimed at achieving production indicators in the field of crop production and animal husbandry in public agriculture prevailed. A significant place in the legal regulation of agricultural activity in the RSFSR was given to collective farm relations, and in the seventies and eighties - to the creation and functioning of state farms.

The agrarian policy of the Soviet authorities was focused on ensuring the growth of agricultural production, and insufficient attention was paid to the human factor, in terms of improving the place of residence of rural workers. Although, if it is more fair to approach the assessment of the creation of conditions for the life of rural residents, it should be noted that in some regions of the country, serious attention was paid to the issues of social welfare.

As an example, one can cite the existence of collective farms and state farms of millionaires, in which housing construction and the construction of modern social infrastructure facilities were developed, and other issues related to the creation of conditions for the quality of life were resolved. Yes, there were also negative factors in the history of Russian villages, many of which were recognized as unpromising and ceased to exist under various pretexts, which undoubtedly affected the number of the rural population and the degradation of agricultural land on agricultural land. The studies of sociologists convincingly show that not in all subjects of the modern Russian Federation, rural areas are developing steadily and successfully and the human capital necessary for working in agriculture is being formed. The country always needs human resources, but to an even greater extent these resources are needed in agriculture.

This article explores the problems of the sociology of a modern human settlement as a place of residence and production and economic activity of residents of rural settlements.

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Agricultural economics and policies


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