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Наталия Владимировна Решетникова


The relevance of studying the prospects for the development of small forms of management in the agro-food complex is due to the significant contribution of enterprises of this type to the economy, social well-being and food security of the country. This area becomes especially significant for ensuring food independence and food security of the country in the modern conditions of global challenges and threats. The need for improvement and the search for balance in the organizational and production structure of the agro-food complex determine the demand for analysis of forecasts for the development of small-scale farming in the agri-food complex in scientific research. The author emphasizes that the effective functioning of small businesses in the agricultural sector of the economy ensures the solution of such important tasks as expanding the competitive environment and maintaining an affordable level of prices for food products; creation of jobs and development of self-employment in rural areas; increasing the production of food products for a balanced full-fledged diet of citizens; increase in real incomes of the population of rural areas and the quality of life in the countryside; replenishment of the revenue side of local budgets.

The article discusses the features of the functioning of small forms of management, factors constraining their development, shows the importance of state regulation of this sphere. The method of scenario forecasting is presented in detail in the context of its capabilities for determining the directions for the development of small forms of business and adjusting the state regulation of the agro-food complex. The practical application of the scenario approach is due to its ability to substantiate the development goals of the analyzed system, taking into account the totality of relationships. Scenario forecasting is relevant in the development of strategic development programs both at the macro and local levels. On the basis of scenario forecasting, scenario planning is carried out, designed to concretize management strategies and decisions, the formation of applied plans in qualitative and quantitative indicators. It is substantiated that the optimal scenario for the functioning of the agro-food complex is the interaction and complementarity of all organizational and economic forms of agricultural enterprises in the agro-food complex. The research materials are of practical importance for the development and improvement of state programs to support the agro-food complex and small forms of agribusiness.

Article Details

Agricultural economics and policies


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