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Роман Васильевич Скуба


The article defines strategic approaches to increase the response of consumers to advertising and information impact in the food markets, identifies the main factors for increasing the level of consumer response to marketing communications tools in the food markets. The relationship between the tasks of marketing communication and the indicator of consumer reaction is presented. The main reasons for the low level of consumer response in the food markets are considered: the wrong choice of advertising media, limited audience coverage by selected media, insufficient frequency of advertising, ineffective advertising content, non-obvious value of the offer, unclear definition of the necessary actions on the part of the consumer. The main task of marketing communications is to inform, that is, to tell consumers about a product or service. Marketing communications then need to repeat this information over and over to maintain consumer awareness. In addition, often among the marketing tasks is the motivation of potential consumers to purchase. A properly positioned product, benefits that exceed the perceived value of the product, and a clear system of marketing channels are still unable to ensure complete success without a good marketing communications program. If the target group of consumers is unaware of the product and its benefits, cost and value, then it is unlikely that many of them will decide to purchase. At any level of attention to information, the corresponding levels of understanding, intent and buying activity are always lower. Sustained profitability depends on a company's ability to retain a customer, and every step up the customer response hierarchy is a move towards greater profitability. When the level of attention to information reaches high values, the corresponding reaction of consumers and their loyalty also increase. The higher the attention to the product, the higher the level of consumer reaction and, accordingly, the likelihood of their retention in the food markets.

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Food science


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