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Роман Васильевич Скуба


The article defines the parameters of the advertising campaign of a regional commercial organization in the food markets. The main factors influencing the effectiveness of an advertising campaign are identified, as well as key approaches to enhancing the impact of advertising information on food markets. The relationship between the frequency of advertising releases and the level of audience awareness regarding the chosen communication strategy has been established. The features of strategies for the impact of advertising information in the food markets are considered. The specificity of each parameter of the advertising campaign of a regional commercial organization in the food markets is determined. The level of attention of the target audience is influenced by the type of advertising medium, the frequency of occurrence of information and the quality of advertising. To establish effective contact with the target audience, the company must develop a clear understanding of the relationship of this group with the media. The quality of advertising materials plays a key role in a situation where it is necessary to inform the market about goods and services, help potential consumers understand advertising information, and form their intentions for certain actions. Therefore, it is extremely important that the advertising information itself reaches the target audience and is perceived appropriately. In order for marketing communications to be cost-effective and effective, they must be targeted at the end consumer and repeated as often as necessary. Thus, the desired level of awareness, understanding and interest in the product will be maintained. Pulse advertising outlets allow a company to keep consumers informed and interested in a more cost-effective way, reducing the risk of out-of-date promotional materials. Periodically increasing the frequency of advertising releases allows you to inform the market and maintain interest in the product in accordance with seasonal fluctuations in demand in the food markets.

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Food science


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