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Гульнара Каримхановна Джанчарова Наталия Вениаминовна Арзамасцева Николай Геннадьевич Платоновский Людмила Александровна Свиридова Виталий Николаевич Тарасенко Дмитрий Владимирович Снегирев


In this scientific work, on the basis of data from the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, we investigated the change in the value volumes of foreign trade in agricultural products in Russia in 1995-2021. Within the designated period, the authors considered the transformation of the parameters of its import and export. It was revealed that according to the first of these indicators, they increased from $ 13.152 billion in 1995 to $ 34.042 billion in 2021, that is, by 2.59 times. At the same time, exports from Russia increased from $1.378 billion to $35.965 billion, that is, by 26.1 times: As a result, in 2021 for the first time in the period covered, the volumes of export of agricultural raw materials and food in value terms exceeded the volumes of their import. The authors analyzed in more detail in 2021 the volumes and structure of our country's foreign trade in the context of the main groups of agricultural products with their allocation by the largest positive and negative balances. It was found out that, as in previous years, according to the first indicator, 10 "Cereals" with a level of $ 11.138 billion were at the forefront, and according to the second group 08 "Edible fruits and nuts ..." with a volume of $ 5.669 billion. The authors also described the main trends in the development of the above-mentioned processes, including from the point of view of the development of Russia's export potential and prospects for its participation in ensuring global food security.

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