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Александр Александрович Харитонов Сергей Сергеевич Викин Наталья Викторовна Ершова Марина Александровна Жукова Евгений Васильевич Панин


The authors present the results of research conducted on the Faculty of Land Management and Cadastre of Voronezh State Agrarian University during the development of the project of ecological landscape farming system of an agricultural enterprise. The object of research was the individual entrepreneur “S.I. Miroshnikov Peasant Farm Enterprise”, Kalacheevsky District, Voronezh Oblast. It is located in the zone where erosion processes are pronounced, the climate is mid-continental with temperature fluctuations and uneven precipitation over the seasons. Natural vegetation has been preserved in large ravine systems, but at the same time it has undergone major changes in the species composition. In this regard it is particularly important to create an ecological landscape farming system on the territory of the enterprise. During the development of the project, similar plots were identified for the subsequent use of differentiated complexes of amelioration and agricultural technologies. In the future these plots can be used for performing the State cadastral valuation. The dimensions of the designed working plots clearly emphasize the objective features that characterize the erosion hazard of arable land in crop rotations. This, in turn, allowed applying a differentiated approach to the implementation of complex soil protection measures and reducing the economic costs of their implementation. The project outlines a set of protective measures aimed at regulating surface and underground runoff, protecting the soil from erosion, and creating the optimal microclimate for the growth and development of plants. A change in the ratio of stabilizing and destabilizing lands in the landscape has led to an increase in its ecological sustainability, as evidenced by the increase in the stability coefficient from 0.22 to 0.63. The development of the project included such measures as anti-erosion agrotechnical activities, meadow amelioration, forest amelioration, hydrotechnical and landscape ecological practices, which have an immediate environmental value. The start of project implementation is expected in May 2022.

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