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Оксана Викторовна Остапенко Елена Вадимовна Яроцкая Заира Руслановна Шеуджен Анна Васильевна Матвеева Кирилл Павлович Андриенко


rational use of land is one of the fundamental criteria for the development of agriculture in any region. This is especially important when a region (or a municipal district) has particularly valuable productive agricultural land as part of the land fund. The use of land for other purposes is a violation of land legislation and entails not only administrative, but also in some cases criminal liability. In this paper, cases of violations of the requirements for the use of land plots in the territory of the Dinsky district of the Krasnodar Territory by land users are considered. The municipality in question is among the districts with the highest volume of agricultural production for the year. Despite the above fact, within the boundaries of this area, you can find land plots overgrown with weeds or tree-shrub vegetation. Control over the use of land plots is carried out by supervisory authorities, as well as by the administration of the municipality within whose boundaries a specific land plot is located. When identifying unused or misused lands, various methods, methods and technologies are used, including geoinformation systems. In this work, using satellite images and a field survey of the territory, land plots were identified as part of agricultural land overgrown with woody and shrubby vegetation. The areas of overgrowth were calculated using cartometric and analytical methods. Recommendations on the involvement of the considered land plots in agricultural turnover are given.

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