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Анатолий Михайлович Олейник Иван Анатольевич Шляхтин


The article describes the experience of using the Wunderlist virtual scheduler in solving engineering and geodetic work at the construction site of IIC «SIBUR Tobolsk» during the construction of the «ZapSibNeftekhim» plant. The article shows decomposition of engineering and geodetic works at the construction site in the form of a hierarchical structure: task list ® tasks ® subtasks. The article provides an example of planning a basis for geodetic survey by creating task lists (objects, types of work) ® tasks (work stages) ® subtasks (operations) with consolidation for each task of the contractor, deadlines, reporting documents, etc. It demonstrated a possible to distribute tasks (between several teams), which will be carried out simultaneously or sequentially in order to comply with the calendar schedule of construction. To that end, in Wunderlist the same task lists are created for several teams (for example, the creation of a basis for geodetic survey), tasks are assigned for simultaneous/joint (field work) and sequential/separate (cameral) work by teams, also deadlines and responsibilities are assigned for each task/subtask. At the same time, the Wunderlist scheduler has the opportunity to set new tasks and exercise control over the implementation of engineering and geodetic works in real time.

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Land economics and policies


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