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Надежда Викторовна Вашукевич Михаил Юрьевич Карпухин


This paper presents primary calculation materials for assessing the Carbon Protection Capacity (CPC) of agricultural soils in the Middle Urals using methodological approaches based on particle size distribution and mineralogical composition. The Degree of Carbon Saturation (DCS) and the Carbon Sequestration Potential (CSP) were also calculated.   According to the CPC, the studied soils are arranged in the following sequence: chernozem > dark gray forest soil > gray forest soil > light gray forest soil. Regional gray and dark gray soils are quite close in terms of calculated parameters, have moderate DCS, carbon sequestering potential is 1.5 times lower than in light gray soils. If we take the sequestration potential (5-9 t C/ha) of the chernozems of the Belgorod and Voronezh regions as a unit of comparison, then the Ural chernozems are significantly inferior to them (21 t C/ha).

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Land economics and policies


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