Main Article Content
The article deals with the issues of land surveying. The legislative content of the concept of «surveying» is analyzed, as well as the opinions of scientists and researchers. The purpose of the work is to study the experience of cadastral work in the municipality, identify problems and develop ways to solve them. In the course of the study, methods of collecting and processing information, analysis and synthesis, analytical grouping of data, horizontal and vertical analysis of statistical data are used. The paper examines the legal framework and procedure for the implementation of land surveying. The indicators of cadastral activity of the municipal formation Kamyshlovskiy urban district of the Sverdlovsk region are analyzed. As a common problem in the process of surveying land plots on the territory of the Kamyshlov urban district, the imposition of land plot boundaries with subsequent litigation is highlighted. In order to minimize the occurrence of disputes regarding the boundaries of land plots, it is recommended to improve the process of obtaining information by cadastral engineers. The authors propose an integrated model of information support for cadastral activities. The importance of the correct implementation of cadastral works for the strategic development of the municipality - the implementation of strategic projects, processes of inter-municipal interaction and partnership (agglomeration), integrated real estate development, development of the land and property complex, etc. was assessed. This article has theoretical value and practical significance. Recommended for students, graduate students, doctoral students, teachers of higher educational institutions, researchers, as well as employees of the executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments of municipalities involved in the development and implementation of strategic and territorial planning documents, as well as urban planning and land policy measures.
Article Details
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