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Ирина Федоровна Суханова Мария Юрьевна Лявина


The article presents the results of a study of the state of food security in Russia under increasing sanctions pressure. The imposed external restrictions have a significant impact on domestic production and the timeliness of export deliveries. The consequence of the difficult foreign policy situation was the disruption of the supply of Russian food products. The current trade restrictions imposed by Western countries necessitate a more active search for new sales markets, the creation of new logistics chains, the diversification of foreign trade activities, the expansion of presence in the markets of friendly countries, and a change in the structure of domestic production. For the purpose of the study, the authors conducted a comprehensive study of the state of food security in Russia under the conditions of sanctions restrictions. The authors determined that the high level of food security of the country is based on maintaining high growth rates in the agricultural sector while increasing export supplies.

The results obtained serve as the basis for further research in the field of ensuring food security in Russia under risky conditions, as well as contributing to global food security. The classification of risks and threats to Russia's food security developed in the article is dynamic and can be transformed depending on the state of the economic environment and specific conditions of foreign trade.

Article Details

Agricultural economics and policies


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