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Ирина Павловна Чупина Елена Васильевна Зарубина Наталья Николаевна Симачкова Людмила Анатольевна Журавлева Алексей Владимирович Ручкин


Consumer cooperation in Russia is developing at a faster pace than before. In 71 regions of Russia, various forms of consumer cooperatives are registered - processing, marketing, supply, trade, livestock, gardening and gardening. 102 district consumer unions have been created in the country, in which 89,000 settlements are involved. Consumer societies function as a form of mutual assistance to rural residents and are focused not only on profit for members of the cooperative movement, but also on serving the population. Currently, consumer cooperation includes 2,300 consumer societies in all regions of the country. Consumer cooperation has a developed network of stores, procurement centers and manufacturing enterprises throughout the country.

       In total, the Centrosoyuz system has more than 3,500 shops for the production of products, about 8,000 facilities for organizing the purchase of raw materials from the population, their storage and primary processing, as well as about 29,000 retail trade enterprises and more than 3,500 public catering enterprises. On the basis of 13,000 stationary and mobile workshops, cooperators provide agricultural, domestic and construction services to the population. Consumer cooperation organizations that are part of the Centrosoyuz system provide permanent work for 103,000 people throughout the country.

       The purpose of this article is to study and analyze the activities of agricultural consumer cooperatives in the regions of the country. Based on the purpose of the tasks of this article, they are to disclose the concepts: processing cooperatives, marketing, supply, trade, livestock, gardening and gardening cooperatives.

       The article uses methods of analysis and synthesis when comparing the development of consumer cooperatives in the regions of the country. The article also used a statistical method in the study of data on consumer cooperation in the country and the analogy method.

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