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Залим-Гери Султанович Шибзухов Диана Адамовна Хашхожева Азамат Юсуфович Аккизов Ислам Хасанович Гуляжинов


Farmers in Kabardino-Balkaria have seen an aggressive spread of weeds over the past few years. Often the herbicides used do not cope with the number of weeds. This is due to the fact that the herbicides used are outdated. At the same time, the range of herbicides offered on the market is constantly growing, and the effectiveness is falling. For the destruction of various weeds, the use of single herbicides is ineffective, well-chosen tank mixtures from modern preparations are needed. Based on this, the goal of our work was to develop a technology for weed control using tank mixes for sweet corn crops, taking into account the biological characteristics of the plant. When crops are infested with various weeds, the use of tank mixtures in optimal concentrations with different action patterns is the best solution for effective weed control in sweet corn crops. Varieties and hybrids of sweet corn Alina (standard), Spirit, Megaton were used for experiments. For mixing tank solutions, the preparations recommended as effective post-emergence action Stellar and Antal were selected. They were supplemented with a biological preparation that inhibits the growth and development of weeds, Agrosynthesis Travo Stop Bio, and a preparation based on quizalofop-p-ethyl Miura. The control variant was the cultivation of sweet corn without the use of herbicides with two inter-row treatments. The study of the effect of the drugs used on the productivity of sweet corn showed that the uncontrolled spread of weeds significantly affects the productivity indicators and, as a result, the commercial yield of sweet corn. In all studied varieties on the control variant, the minimum yield was obtained due to the lack of weed control. With a reduction in the number of weeds and the suppression of its development, sweet corn plants noticeably increase in yield and the number of marketable cobs increases.

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Crop husbandry


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