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Наталия Матвеевна Черноградская Акулина Васильевна Попова Михаил Федосеевич Григорьев Александра Ивановна Григорьева Михаил Михайлович Докторов


The article presents the results of studying the meat productivity of horses of the Yang type, depending on the fodder lands. In accordance with the program, 2 groups of animals were selected, which were divided into the I and II. According to the conditions of the experiment, the two groups had different routes. It was established that at the end of the experiment, the average live weight in horses from the first group was 222.3 kg, and in animals of the second group this figure was higher by 4.80 kg or 2.16%. The increase in live weight of one head in the first group averaged 71.0 kg, and in the second group it averaged 76.3 kg. The level of profitability in the second group was 43.98%, against 35.89% in the first group.

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