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Наталия Матвеевна Черноградская Акулина Васильевна Попова Александра Ивановна Григорьева Михаил Федосеевич Григорьев Михаил Михайлович Докторов


The paper presents information on the study of the effectiveness of rearing young horses, taking into account feed conditions. In this regard, 2 groups were selected, which were divided into the first and second. In accordance with the research program, the two groups had different feeding conditions. As a result, it was found that the average daily gain in live weight in the first group was 816.67 g, and in the second group the figure was 875.56 g. As a result, the average value of the growth of one head in the first group was 73.5 kg, and in the second group 78.8 kg with an additional increase in the group of 265 kg. When analyzing the data, it was found that in the second group, where an additional increase was obtained, the economic effect amounted to 38 thousand rubles. or 8.5 rubles. per day. The level of profitability in the first group was 32.2%, and in the second group 39.1%.

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