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Василий Владимирович Бутырин Юлия Александровна Бутырина Олег Германович Карапоткин Николай Геннадьевич Платоновский Снежанна Владимировна Брусенко


International trade in agricultural products is the most important basis for strengthening the food security of individual countries and the world as a whole. Its development was determined by climatic and economic factors, while religious ones played an insignificant role. However, one of the important trends of the last two decades has been a significant increase in production and international trade in Halal products. If in 2021 global spending on it was estimated at $1.267 trillion, then by 2025 it is projected to increase to about $1.668 trillion. The largest exporters of halal products are Brazil, India, Australia and the United States. The main importers have been and will remain the following states: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia. Considering the current state and growth trends of the Muslim population in the world, especially in the developing countries of Asia and Africa, as well as the promising potential of their economies and increasing the incomes of the local population, the parameters of this global market can grow many times over. Russia, taking into account its historical traditions of its own development, as well as building mutually beneficial relations with many states of these regions of the world, has the opportunity to significantly increase the production and export potential of the domestic agri-food sector through halal products, especially in the geopolitical conditions that have developed to date.

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Food science


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