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Ирина Павловна Чупина Наталья Николаевна Симачкова Елена Васильевна Зарубина Людмила Анатольевна Журавлева Алексей Владимирович Ручкин


Marketing has always been an important component in the promotion of any product, and for the promotion of rural tourism, marketing strategies are all the more important. Rural tourism is only at the initial stage of its development in our country. Therefore, identifying the needs of consumers, finding a free market niche and dividing consumers into segments according to preferences is the main task of marketing.

      To organize rural tourism, first of all, it is necessary to create conditions for tourists to live - these are guest houses and the territory adjacent to them. It is also necessary to identify potential opportunities for the development of rural tourism in their area. It will also be necessary to determine the pricing for the provision of tourist services.

       Currently, the tourism market is oversaturated, and some new destinations for recreation are required. But it's not only that. The main reason for the development of rural tourism is the deterioration of the environment, not only in Russia, but throughout the world. As this problem is connected with the problem of the disappearance of many species of animals and plants from our planet. Therefore, the education of respect for nature and its resources is an important component of rural tourism.

       The urbanization of cities and the disappearance of many villages from the map of Russia due to the low standard of living of rural residents also served as a serious reason for the development of rural tourism. Rural residents, providing tourists with their services, can provide themselves with additional income, as well as jobs for other villagers. Therefore, farmers and agricultural producers have the opportunity to promote their services using modern Internet technologies. And there are more and more people who prefer eco-tourism. This is the relevance of this article.

       The purpose of the article is to study consumer demand for rural tourism and the role of marketing activities to promote rural tourism in the regions of the country. The following research methods are used in the article: methods of analysis and synthesis, analogy method, factor analysis method.

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Agricultural economics and policies


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